Rights Granted by a Patent

Patent rights play an important role in innovation, providing the patent owner with exclusive rights to make, use, sell, and import the invention, typically lasting up to 20 years. These rights include commercialization control, allowing licensing or sale, enforcement against infringement, and importation control. Internationally, such as under WIPO and USPTO guidance, similar rights apply globally. While providing significant protection and control, these rights necessitate certain responsibilities like maintenance fees and public disclosure, ensuring a balance between the inventor’s benefits and public access post-patent expiry.


Features and Considerations:

  • Exclusive Usage: Patent holders can exclusively commercialize their inventions.
  • Control over Commercialization: Ability to license or sell patent rights.
  • Enforcement: Legal action can be taken against infringement.
  • Importation Control: Power to regulate the importation of the patented invention.


  1. CIPO: Enforces exclusive rights within Canada.
  2. WIPO: Offers a global perspective on preventative rights and licensing.
  3. USPTO: Grants exclusive rights within the United States, including legal actions for infringement.

Why This Matters:

Understanding patent rights empowers inventors and businesses to protect and capitalize on their innovations while contributing to technological advancement and economic growth. It also ensures legal recourse in cases of unauthorized use.

Call to Action:

  1. Conduct a Patent Search: Before filing for a patent, thoroughly search existing patents to ensure your invention is novel and to inform your patent strategy.
  2. Consult a Patent Attorney: Engage with a specialized attorney or agent to navigate the complex patent filing and examination process effectively.
  3. Evaluate Market Potential: Assess the commercial viability of your invention to determine whether seeking a patent aligns with your business goals.
  4. Plan for International Protection: If your market is global, consider filing patents in key countries or regions to secure international rights.

External Resources:

Advanced Topics:

  • Global Patent Strategies: Navigating international patent laws for worldwide protection.
  • Patent Litigation and Enforcement: Understanding complex legal frameworks in
  • different jurisdictions.
  • Post-Patent Expiry Access: The role of patents in public domain transitions and generic market entries.
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